Welcome to Remembrance Tree Foyle, click anywhere to enter the site!



Welcome to the Foyle Tree of Remembrance!
Christmas is a time for families, for remembering, for celebrating and for giving. It is an occasion in the year when we think specifically of our family, friends and loved ones.
The Tree of Remembrance allows us to honour our loved ones at Christmas by writing a message to them on a yellow ribbon. At the same time, this ribbon is supporting those in need by raising money for local charities.
The Remembrance Tree Foyle Online allows you to write a message to the ones you are thinking about this holiday season. Click below to see how it works.

How it Works

To create a ribbon you navigate to the bottom of the page. Or click here. There's a form to input your Remembrance Message.
You can also include information such as a name or where you're sending a ribbon from. However, these can remain anonymous.
After you click the donate button on the window you will be directed to PayPal for a donation. Once your donation is complete we will receive your message and it will be placed on the real Tree of Remembrance.

Our Charity

HURT is honoured to have been gifted the annual Tree of Remembrance, a cherished tradition for the past 15 years. This year your Ribbons will help support the work that HURT does. To find out more you can click the logo below.

Have your Tomorrows

Our Sponsors

Below is a list of sponsors supporting the Remembrance Tree this year.

The Bentley Group

City Cabs

SJK Chartered Accountants


McGinnis GROUP

Thank You for your Ribbon
Create Your Ribbon
Once you click send you will be directed to a new page to make a donation of your choice. This will show as a donation to 'Lifetree Limited'. The registered Paypal account for the Remembrance Tree Foyle.